Content Copyright © 2010 GDWOC

What To Expect


Our Ministry

We are a ministry that loves the LORD and loves the people of the LORD. We believe that we are here to encourage people to pursue the Greater Destiny that the LORD has placed upon their life individually and collectively for the sake of building His Church and extending His Kingdom!!! 


Our Worship Services

During our services, we encourage people to feel free to express themselves in worship to the LORD God. Our Praise and Worship is a corporate experience that we promote the participation of all in attendance. Although you are not forced to sing, dance, etc. we encourage everyone to do so.

Feel free to come to our worship services as you are. You can wear a pair of jeans, your favorite suit, a business/work uniform, etc. If you desire dressing-up, great.  If you want to be more casual, that is also fine. We are more concerned with the condition of your heart which is our prayer and expectation that it changes for the better as you pursue the Greater Destiny that the LORD God has for you.

We encourage you to bring a Bible, a notebook, and something to write with as we prepare to learn together what the LORD would have to say to us.


Our 7-Week Challenge

We understand that it is hard to make a decision about joining a church by only attending one service. With that, we would like to present this challenge. Join us for just 7 weeks straight.  If within those 7 weeks you do not see improvements in your daily and spiritual life and have a desire to pursue Your Greater Destiny, perhaps we’re not the church for you. However, if you see a change, then consider becoming part of what the LORD is doing here. We would love to have you. This is only the beginning of what the LORD has for you as you prepare for what we call Your Greater Destiny!